Sunday 11 June 2017

Week 7

It's hard to believe it is Week 7 already! M1 has been so hard at work that that time has flown by.

This week we are gearing up for our personal inquiries. The children have begun posing their own questions relating to change. This week they will circle back to the Finding Out stage of our inquiry model and do some further research to help them build knowledge and gather information relating to their own question.

In writing, we are concluding our first nonfiction books by adding in a few fun pages like; How-to pages, fun facts pages, Different Kinds of... pages, Maps etc. The children are learning about a special page all about them- an About the Author page  and are completing a simple contents page and glossary when applicable. We hope to share our amazing books with you in Week 10.

In Reading, we are updating our reading levels this week. The testing takes time (about 15-20 mins per child!), so there may be one day this week where you child brings home a book from their pick box instead of one they have read in a guided reading group. We will get back to business as usual as soon as possible .

In Maths, our inquiry into early multiplicative thinking skills will continue. Our skip counting by 2's, 5's and 10's will be getting a real workout- with backwards skip counting being exercised too!

In PE- we continue with our striking skills this week. On Friday last week, we started our VLC Friday sports rotation. The children spent the morning in mixed teams participating in hockey, netball, basketball, dodgeball and soccer skills groups. They had a wonderful time and learned some great new skills. We will be out again this Friday, weather permitting for more VLC fun.

What an amazing assembly we had on Friday with so much talent being showcased. They played a beautiful song called Paradise  that was new to most of the Year 1's as it has been learned in previous years. We will make it a goal to learn it by the end of the year.

Soon we will be celebrating Matariki at school. Matariki the Maori New Year, is rich with tradition. Discover the importance of Matariki here, and explore ways that you can celebrate the Maori New Year with your family.  Matariki is officially celebrated on 25 June 2017.

This Week: 
Jo at Team Leaders Meeting before school Monday- I will be in class as close to 8:30am as possible
Library Monday 
Hannah Thursday 

Parents Social 22 June at MBG- Hope to see you there! 

Have a great week.

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