Saturday 4 November 2017

Week 4

Wow it's Week 4 already! We are excited to be taking a trip this Tuesday. Thanks to Sian, Sarah, Helen, Claire and Kimberly for joining us on this trip. Please ensure your child is wearing the correct uniform for the trip. At this stage the forecast is looking okay, so remember to apply sunscreen to your child as they will be outside for part of the day.

This week we will be learning about the native plants and animals of NZ. We will look at what is at risk of dying out and what we can do to support efforts to save/ regenerate numbers. On our trip we will use our five senses to appreciate nature, looking for signs of native birds and plants and listening to the birds song that is unique to NZ. A walk through our school's native garden on Monday will help prepare us, so we know what to look for!

If your child is particularly interested in learning more about native birds and wants to do some bird spotting of their own, try this great interactive site . Children can select the bird they thought they saw, listen to it's call, find out facts and see other photos of that species.

Here are some of the songs of native birds we will be trying to listen for on our trip:

We did some note-taking in Week 3 to learn more about bees. Here is the video for those who may wish to revisit it ahead of their trip.

Have a great week!

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